Friday, May 6, 2011


Due to the recent disaster that hit our area, if you are like me, you have been trying to think of "happier" times.  Just like all of you, over the last week I have prayed, worried, cried, thanked God, but most of all counted my blessings that all my friends and family are safe.

I was trying to find my "Happy Place" today.  It has been a long 2 days back at work.  I think one of the happiest, peaceful times I have ever had was when we visited Delphi, Greece in the summer of 2008.

Delphi is supposed to be very spiritual, magical and powerful.  The ancient Greeks thought it was the center of the universe where all things sprang.  The oracle was kept there in the Temple of Apollo.  I swear you could feel the majesty of just being there.  I thought I would share some pictures with you.  Notice how high it sits up in the mountains.  There is nothing else up there for miles....

...rebuilt Treasury of Athens...

...the Theater (look at that view!)

...the Tholos...
 ...the Temple of Apollo...

...reconstructed Treasury of Athens.

If you ever get a chance to visit, I highly recommend it!

Have a nice weekend....and let me know where your "Happy Place" is

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