Monday, December 20, 2010


 ...'cause if not, you are probably getting nothing, or will receive the dreaded "REGIFT!"  Yes, it is official.  I have had it with the crowds and Christmas shopping.  I ran to TARGET today to order some new glasses (it's called trying to spend the balance on my flex spending before the year ends), and I only wanted to cuss out about 97 different people. 

Holiday shoppers are crazy!  Crazy in the stores, crazy in the parking lots, crazy in their cars.  So, that is it for me.  Yes, that is it - the finale - the end - adios - good bye to Christmas shopping.  But wait!  I do need to get stocking stuffers... and still one more thing for TCW... and Rachel a Hardee's gift card... and my Mom some chocolate...


1 comment:

David T said...

And this lamp. And this ashtray. And this paddleball game...