Friday, December 14, 2012


I am so thankful for my friends.  I am very fortunate that I have friends that have been around for many, many years.  One special friend sent me a card a couple of months ago.  I wanted to share...

We don't always know the difference we make in other people's lives.
A little thing like a smile or a word of encouragement at just the right moment can be exactly what is needed to turn a day around.
That's something you've done for me many times, and I am not sure you realize how much it matters to me.
I love having you on my side, willing to listen when I need to talk, caring enough to speak up when I need to hear the truth of a situation.
Your influence helps me in ways big and small.
I want you to know that I appreciate you and the difference that knowing you has made in my life.
                                                                                                               - Lisa Riggin

Take the time this Holiday Season to let those close to you how much you care.


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